Saturday, December 6, 2014

Loso Hall - Math Lab & Writing Center

The math lab and the writing center are on the second floor in Loso Hall. These two are good places to go study because you can get help and you don't get distracted. You get personal help and you can also print stuff as long as you bring your own paper.

Pierce Library - Study Table

This is a study table that is located in the basement of Pierce. This is right in between two book shelves right after you walk past the computers. This is helpful if you want to study with a friend because it's your own little space and the book shelves act as walls for privacy.

Pierce Library - Study Room

This is a private study room that is located in the bottom floor of Pierce right across from the computers. This place is helpful if you need to get away to a private place to study in peace with only your self.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Loso Hall - Green Room

This is the theater green room located on the first floor of Loso Hall. This room is hard to find but if you go through the doors between the MacKenzie theater and the Schwartz Theater you will find it. This room is useful because there are vending machines, microwaves, couches for naps and a table for studying. This is a very good place to study and there are almost always people there wanting to study with you! 

Loso Hall - English/Writing Major Lounge

This is the student lounge area in the English/Writing area which is located on the first floor in Loso Hall. This is a useful space because it is quiet, you can close the door, there is a table and couch, and a kitchen so you can relax and do homework and no one will be able to distract you. 

Pierce Library - Basement

This is located in the basement floor of Pierce Library. In the spot you can use a study table in the middle of the computers or if you need to you can hop on a computer and do some research.

Hoke Union Building - Mac's Grill

Located inside of the Hoke Union Building, first level. Great place to go to eat at Mac's Grill along with studying for a class. Music playing in the background and relatively quiet. Relaxing area to hang out at. There are also computers along the side of the wall that you can access if needed.

Hoke Union Building - 2nd Floor

Another great area to study inside of the Hoke Union Building, next to the cafeteria, there's a small table to work with along with an area to sit with a group if needed.

Hoke Union Building - 2nd Floor

Taken inside of Hoke Union Building, second floor across from the Multicultural Center. Great place for groups to go study in a quiet area.

Hoke Union Building - Out of the Way on the 3rd Floor

It is located on the 3rd floor of Hoke. One you go to the 3rd floor you need to  take a left around the corner from Martin Luther  King  Jr. Then turn right and go down the hall.

Loso Hall - Comfy Couches

A comfy place to relax and take study breaks aka naps. This area is right when you walk in in front of the theater. 

Loso Hall - Main Lobby

In the main lobby of Loso. This area is big and roomy. With chairs and tables that you can do study groups. We feel that its a main building that people travel to. Its a main hang out area with groups of people.

Loso Hall - Balcony

The table outside of the Learning Center under the colorful light. It is very useful because it is close to the Learning Center where there is writing and math tutors.  There is easy access to computers when needed.